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I was a paid environmental columnist with The Kansas City Star for 6 years. To my knowledge, no other major newspaper in the U.S. had an opinion columnist dedicated to environmental issues. Many newspapers still lack due coverage of the Earth's issues.
I've been a paid columnist for The Progressive Populist for several years now. It has many fine writers.
Climate chaos, renewable energy, endangered species, environmental racism, fresh water viability, ocean pollution and electric transportation are among the issues I cover regularly.
To avoid harping on gloom and doom, I try to write a humor piece about every third column. This includes nature's paper of record: The Gnu Yak Thymes, in which I "interview" plants and animals about their unique views of Earth's condition.
I give credit to lawmakers who do positive things for our ecology. Unfortunately, here in America, that's unusual. So I typically give the politicians hell.
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